Námskeið FS: The Shoulder: Theory & Practice

Dr. Jeremy Lewis, PhD FCSP

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  • Dagsetning:
    5. mars 2016 - 6. mars 2016
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:00 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    1. september 2015 - 31. janúar 2016
  • Almennt verð:
    84.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    65.000 kr.

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Vinsamlegast athugið:

 9. janúar 2016 hækkar skráningargjaldið fyrir félaga í fagdeild FS í 78.000.-

Skráningu lýkur 22. janúar 2016.


This evidence-based theoretical and practical course is based on extensive clinical experience in assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of shoulder pathology, as well as extensive reference to research publications from a variety of disciplines. Models of shoulder assessment including the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (Lewis JS (2009) British Journal of Sports Medicine) and a new model for staging the continuum of rotator cuff tendinopathy (Lewis JS (2010) British Journal of Sports Medicine) will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on clinical reasoning to support management decisions. Participants completing these courses will gain a greater understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, assessment and evidence-based treatment of this interesting and complicated region of the body.  

This course remains a ‘work in progress' and is continually being updated with the emergence of new research and clinical understanding. As a result, many people have participated on two and some on three occasions. This course will be fun, thought provoking, and provide opportunity to discuss ideas and share experiences. 

 Dr Jeremy Lewis is a Consultant Physiotherapist, Sonographer and Visiting Professor. He has been awarded a Fellowship of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, which is the highest award the Society can bestow on one of its members. He has been acknowledged as one of the 5 most eminent clinicians in his profession (The UK Department of Health National AHP Clinical Expert Database). He assesses and treats patients with shoulder problems and performs ultrasound guided injections, if appropriate and required, as part of the treatment process. His main areas of clinical expertise are subacromial pain (impingement) syndrome, rotator cuff tendon problems, shoulder pain syndromes and frozen shoulder.Jeremy has developed a unique system of shoulder assessment and treatment that has gained international acclaim. He has been invited to teach and lecture extensively on his shoulder assessment and treatment procedures, within the UK and throughout Europe, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, the Middle East, Cayman Islands, India, Norway and Switzerland. He has taught his system to orthopaedic surgeons, sports physicians, physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors. He regularly receives requests for advice and treatment from the four corners of the globe. He also treats patients with tennis elbow and has developed a unique treatment system for this condition.

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