Námskeið FS: Master class part I - Cervicogenic Headache and Dizziness

Assessment, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment

Lokað fyrir skráningu

  • Dagsetning:
    7. október 2016 - 9. október 2016
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Bókunartímabil:
    1. janúar 2016 - 12. ágúst 2016
  • Leiðbeinandi:
    Martin B. Josefsen Deborah Falla
  • Almennt verð:
    125.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    98.000 kr.

Latest evidence and best practice approach to assessment, differential diagnosis and treatment of cervicogenic headache and dizziness and the upper neck in general. On this 3-day course there will be an emphasis on clinical reasoning and specialized methods will be presented to physiotherapists. 

Teachers: Martin B. Josefsen and Deborah Falla 

ATH! Frá og með 15. ágúst er verð fyrir aðila í fagdeild FS 118.000.- Skráningu lýkur 29. ágúst.

On this course a united approach with focus on clinical reasoning and elements of segmental joint techniques, soft tissue techniques, functional stability and neuromuscular training – as well as safety procedures – are presented. Syndromes such as cervicogenic headache and dizziness are addressed regarding examination, classification and treatment. The latest evidence in the field is presented and integrated in the practical sessions, which relate to participants daily clinical practice. 

The course is the Core Course of the MasterClass and is relevant to all physiotherapists with little or some experience with MT – including physiotherapists that have taken the MT educational programme or similar approaches. 


- Martin B. Josefsen, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, DipMT - Deborah Falla, Professor, PhD, Physiotherapist. 

Aims of the course To develop participant's skills and competencies to be able to examine and differentiate common headache and dizziness types – and to diagnose and treat patients with neck related headache and dizziness. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to 


  • Evaluate history taking related to selected types of headache and dizziness and as part of this include a differential diagnosis evaluation. 
  • Plan functional and more specific examination and testing with an emphasis on symptoms and dysfunctions related to the cervical spineand the vestibular apparatus. 
  • Apply specific examination- and treatment techniques for the joints of the cervical spine, muscles, nerves and neuromotor control / functional stability system. 
  • Evaluate the whole examination – structural diagnosis, pain mechanisms, perpetuating factors and possible differential diagnosis along with the patient resources – and from this evaluation be able to plan treatment and prognosis. 


Contents of the course 


  • Latest evidence regarding common, selected types of headache and dizziness (etiology, symptoms, prevalence, examination- and treatment methods). 
  • Clinical reasoning, classification and examination possibilities including differential diagnosis related to headache and dizziness. 
  • Examination and treatment of the upper cervical spine including special tests that are included in the classification of cervicogenic headache and cervicogenic dizziness; 
    • Specific joint techniques (accessory/physiological/combined movements with and without patient actitivity). 
    • Myofascial structures. 
    • Neuromuscular function and functional stability. 
    • Neck-eye coordination. 
    • Selected neurodynamic tests. 
    • Selected neurological examinations. 
  • Screening for and treatment of vestibular dizziness (BPPV/Otholite). 
  • “Red Flags” considerations related to headache and dizziness along with the practice of selected special tests. 
  • Clinical cases and group works.

Lokað fyrir skráningu