Námskeið FS: Fysio Flow

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  • Dagsetning:
    15. apríl 2016 - 16. apríl 2016
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    5. janúar 2016 - 1. mars 2016
  • Leiðbeinandi:
    Pernille Thomsen
  • Almennt verð:
    62.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    48.000 kr.

Fullbókað er á námskeiðið. Skráning á biðlista er hér fyrir neðan.

ATH! Frá og með 1. mars er verð fyrir aðila í fagdeild FS 58.000.- Skráningu lýkur 15. mars. 

Fysio Flow is a danish designed training method, which aim is to improve the mobility in the muscular skeletal system and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. It's all about changing the perspective from looking at the body as isolated parts, to acknowledge the body as a tensional network, where lot's of dimensions plays a part. The evidence the Fysio Flow concept is based on, is collected from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, psychology, pain and fascia. We are looking at how to affect mobility in the muscular skeletal system - focusing on CNS, interfaces between structures and the stretch tolerance. Practically we start with warming up the tissue through small ballistic movements. Then we work in active dynamic stretches, to affect the sliding, gliding system of the body. Finally we end up doing relaxation, focusing on the breathing. We aim to affect the sliding/gliding system of the body, by affecting the loose connective tissue and the hyaluronic acid between the layers od the body - the interfaces. Furthermore we try to bring the patients into the parasympathetic nervous system, to reduce the ongoing sure on the system. 

Fysio Flow is a training concept/way of thinking, which aims to increase mobility of the body's myofascial connections, based on resent evidence findings relative to the effects on structure and the fascia glide. 
  Within the skin – between skin and muscle – lays the deep fascia. It is like a wetsuit, which is supposed to be warm, humid and resilient. In addition, connective tissue/fasciae are resting around the muscles. These surfaces where skin, fascia and muscles lie close to each other, are supposed to be mobile relative to each other – there is supposed to be a glide. 
  Research show convincingly that physical inactivity, repeated unilateral work, age and stress affect the myofascial tissue in a way, that the tissue gets tighter, thickened, loses its glide and attaches to the surrounding tissue.
  In addition, research show pretty clearly that muscles don't work alone, but are connected to each other via fascia structures – clearly described by Tom Myers in Anatomy trains.
  When the body's mobility is to be regained, myofascial connections/ AnatomyTrains are considered. Research show, that if we are to affect the structure in these fasciae structures, it shall be done with small dynamic movements; to increase the fluid flow in the fascia, increase collagen development and the glide between the surfaces. The exercise aims to the patient groups that generally have decreased mobility, whether it is neck/shoulder problems, chronical back patients, patients with functional disorder, stress, hip patients etc. 

Pernille Thomsen, lector, physiotherapist and master of health education, is the woman behind the training concept. She has over the past several years, acquired a high level of evidence-based knowledge in relation to myofascial structures, how they are affected, trained, and change structure. After a long career as a physiotherapy teacher, manual therapist and teacher at various courses in manual techniques, training and health, she has developed two courses.

Course outline 

  • Focus on this course is to see how neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the myofascial web affects mobility and movement, how it can be addressed and affected.

Course contents

  • The anatomy and physiology of the myofascial web
  • Cell biology
  • The myofascial connection as shown by Andrew Vleeming and Tom Myers
  • The autonome nervous system - and how it affects mobility in the body, focusing on how to upregulate the parasympathetic nervous system
  • How to affect the myofascial web by movement
  • How to design mobility exercises
  • Short intro and discussion of myofascial release.

The course will be a combination of theoretical and a practical part.

Fysio Flow - dagskrá

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