Líkamleg virkni og ristruflanir karla

Fyrirlestur í boði námsbrautar í sjúkraþjálfun, fim 1. október kl 12.00 – 12.45


Fyrirlestur í boði námsbrautar í sjúkraþjálfun, fim 1. október kl 12.00 – 12.45

Líkamleg virkni og ristruflanir karla (Physical activity & Erectile Dysfunction)

Fyrirlestur Helle N. Gerbild

Aðalbygging HÍ, A-220, fimmtudaginn 1. október kl. 12.00-12:45

Helle N. Gerbild kennari við sjúkraþjálfunardeildina í University College Lillebælt  í Óðinsvéum, Danmörku, flytur fyrirlestur  Aðalbyggingu HÍ, A-220, fimmtudaginn 1. október kl. 12:00-12:45. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og  nefnist  Líkamleg virkni og ristruflanir karla (Physical activity & Erectile Dysfunction).

Fyrirlesturinn er í boði Námsbrautar í sjúkraþjálfun og eru allir velkomnir

Hér fyrir neðan er ágrip af erindi hennar.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is typically linked to the risk factors: Physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular diseases.


This systematic review focus on the quality and quantity of physical activity which may contribute to treat ED for men with risk factors for ED.


A systematic literature search using Medline, Cochrane, PubMed and Sinahl from 2005 to 2015, and using the MESH terms: ‘Erectile dysfunction', ‘exercises' or ‘exercise therapy'.

Main Outcome Measures:

The quality and the quantity of physical activity which may contribute to the treatment of ED of men with risk factor for ED.


10 studies (8 RCT and 2 CT) are evaluated.


Physical activity, supervised training and exercise programs consisting of aerobic exercise of moderate to high intensity 3-7 times a week, in sessions from 20 to 60 minutes duration and a weekly dose of 90 to 300 minutes in a training period of 1 month up to 2 years contribute to the treatment of ED for men with one or more of the following risk factors for ED: physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, METs, DM or CV


Námsbraut í sjúkraþjálfun