Námskeið: Mulligan-Advance

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  • Dagsetning:
    14. maí 2017 - 15. maí 2017
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Bókunartímabil:
    12. september 2016 - 1. maí 2017
  • Leiðbeinandi:
    Johan Alvemalm
  • Almennt verð:
    75.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    69.000 kr.

ATH! Frá og með 25. mars 2017 er verð fyrir fagaðila FS 69.000.- 

ATH Mulligan - Advanced námskeiðið er einungis opið fyrir þá sem hafa nú þegar lokið bæði Upper Quarter og Lower Quarter Mulligan námskeiðum.

Advanced Course 

This unique approach to manual therapy was discovered and developed by Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand. This simple yet effective manual approach addresses musculoskeletal disorders with pain free manual joint “repositioning” techniques for restoration of function and abolition of pain. This two-day Advanced course will review and fine tune the participants skill level with the Mulligan approach to manual therapy for the whole body. In addition instruction in the use of Pain Release Phenomenon techniques and compression techniques is presented. It will include lecture, patient demonstrations, and lab time to give the participants an opportunity for depth problem-solving and refinement of technique for this Mobilization With Movement approach. This will also assist in preparing those interested in taking the Certified Mulligan Practitioner Exam. 

Principles of Mulligan Concept The Physiotherapy treatment of musculoskeletal injuries has progressed from its foundation in remedial gymnastics and active exercise to therapist-applied passive physiological movements and on to therapist-applied accessory techniques. Brian Mulligan's concept of mobilizations with movement (MWMS) in the extremities and sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGS) in the spine are the logical continuance of this evolution with the concurrent application of both therapist applied accessory and patient generated active physiological movements. 

 Principles of Treatment In the application of manual therapy techniques, Physiotherapists acknowledge that contraindications to treatment exist and should be respected at all times. Although always guided by the basic rule of never causing pain, therapist choosing to make use of SNAGS in the spine and MWMs in the extremities must still know and abide by the basic rules of application of manual therapy techniques.

Nánari upplýsingar: http://bmulligan.com/

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