Námskeið FS: Top 20 DN - Dry Needling course

Christine Stebler Fischer PT, FH Bsc, MAS GF&P

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  • Dagsetning:
    14. september 2018 - 17. september 2018
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Bókunartímabil:
    15. janúar 2018 - 15. ágúst 2018
  • Leiðbeinendur:
    Leiðbeinandi: Christine Stebler Fischer PT, FH Bsc, MAS GF&P
  • Almennt verð:
    65.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    50.000 kr.

This 2-day indroductory course covers the foundations of dry needling, the myofascial pain syndrome, trigger points and the clinical highlights of dry needling. The course is a hands on course. Participants practice dry needling of the top 20 muscles among each other. This is a training program with immediate clinical applicability upon completion. Duration of the Course 15 hours.

Course Objectives. Upon completion of the course, participants will ...

• understand the basic scientific backgrounds of the myofascial pain syndrome and of trigger points.

• be able to identify the top 20 muscles by surface anatomy, palpation and by function and know their clinical symptoms and perpetuating factors.

• be able to identify the features of trigger points by physical examination and apply this knowledge to the top 20 muscles.

• understand the specific indications and contraindications of dry needling. • know and be able to apply the safety rules for dry needling.

• be able to perform dry needling of the top 20 muscles.

• know possible side effects and complications of dry needling and will be able to react appropritate.

• have updated their anatomy skills and knowledge.

The international David G. Simons Academy™, DGSA - Leading in Dry Needling Education Worldwide DGSA offers courses in dry needling and manual trigger point therapy worldwide since 1995. Our courses are designed for Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors and other health care providers. We have a practical focus and a strong scientific background. Our international, experienced instructor team guarantees highest professional and didactical competence. We adhere to the "Swiss Guidelines for save Dry Needling". The DGSA is named in honour of David G. Simons MD, a true medical pioneer and coauthor of the groundbreaking Trigger Point Manuals. Dr. Simons is cofounder of the DGSA. He was our mentor, teacher and friend for many years.


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