
Vordagskrá Fræðslunefndar: Sinavandamál í neðri útlim, rannsóknir, skoðun og meðferð

Fyrirlesari: Peter Malliaras sjúkraþjálfari PhD

  • 15.4.2021, 20:00 - 22:00, Rafrænt

Peter er einn þekktasti sjúkraþjálfarinn í heiminum varðandi sinavandamál. Hann hefur rannsakað  styrktarþjálfun í tengslum við sinavandamál og unnið með hópi sem kenndur er við sinarannsóknir. Hann hefur gert margar rannsóknir á sinum og skrifað kafla í bækur um sinaþjálfun og fengið viðurkenningar fyrir rannsóknir en samt stundað klíníska sjúkraþjálfun samhliða kennslu og fyrirlestrum.

OUTLINE: In this seminar Peter will outline the current evidence for diagnosis, assessment and exercise management of common lower limb tendinopathies including Achilles, patellar, gluteal and plantar fascia. Key rehabilitation principles to maximise success of exercise programs for these patient groups will be highlighted, and strategies to maximise patient engagement and adherence discussed. Adjunct therapies that may accompany exercise interventions will be outlined.

BIO: Peter Malliaras is a physiotherapist and researcher from Melbourne, Australia specializing in tendinopathy. In 2006 he completed his PhD in tendinopathy identifying novel risk factors, and since has undertaken post doctoral research in the UK and Australia, and has co-authored over 120 peer review publications. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Monash University Physiotherapy Department and involved in multiple funded tendinopathy research projects in Australia and internationally. His research focuses on understanding pain and neuromuscular impairments, and clinical trials testing the efficacy of exercise and other interventions in tendinopathy. Peter maintains a strong clinical focus, specializing in difficult tendinopathy cases and regularly consults to elite athletes. When not being a tendon nerd he enjoys running (very slowly).

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