Dagur sjúkraþjálfunar 13. maí 2022

Skráning hefst fljótlega - fylgist með!


Skráning hefst fljótlega - fylgist með!

Við minnum félagsfólk okkar á að taka frá 13. maí nk. þegar við ætlum að fagna Degi sjúkraþjálfunar 2022.

Upphaflega átti dagurinn að fara fram í dag, 18. mars, en vegna Covid tengdra ástæðna var deginum frestað fram til 13. maí. 

Dagskráin er stútfull af spennandi efni með aðalfyrirlesaranum Paul Hodges, auk annarra góðra gesta. Dagskráin mun birtast fljótlega samhliða því að við opnum fyrir skráningu. 

Það verður frábært að hittast aftur á Degi sjúkraþjálfunar eftir 2ja ára hlé, sem verður haldinn í Smárabíói. Í beinu framhaldi af deginum ætlum við að rölta yfir á SPOT í Kópavogi í fordrykk, mat og partý fram eftir kvöldi. Við áttum nefnilega alltaf eftir að fagna 80 ára afmæli félagsins og við látum gott tækifæri fyrir gleðskap ekki renna okkur úr greipum. Nánari upplýsingar um fyrirkomulag kvöldsins berast einnig fljótlega.

Paul Hodges á Degi sjúkraþjálfunar 2022

Thinking about low back pain differently: A condition characterised by flares with widespread involvement of the immune system from the brain to the periphery.

Recent work is changing the way we think about low back pain. Rather than the dichotomy of an acute or chronic condition, low back pain is increasingly considered as an ongoing condition characterised by periods of flare and remission. Of note, the risk factors for flare are likely to be different to those for an acute episode or the transition to chronicity. Data from longitudinal studies of flares are beginning to highlight the importance of sleep quality and specific aspects of physical activity as risk factors for flare. At the same time, there is increasing awareness of the widespread impact of immune system function on a diverse array of mechanisms associated with low back pain, ranging from the involvement of glial cells in neuroimmune interactions in the sensory and motor regions of the brain, to systemic inflammatory signalling as an early indicate of poor outcome, and the role of immune cells in fibrosis and fatty infiltration of back muscles. Gender differences in immune function are beginning to emerge. As physiotherapists, can we help? Early evidence says “yes”. Of note, exercise is a potent moderator of immune function systemically and in muscle. Interventions for sleep and psychologically informed treatments also drive immune change. By thinking about low back pain differently we may be able to make a greater impact on this world’s leading cause of disability.