Námskeið FS: Early-Stage and Middle-Stage Knee Rehabilitation Strength Training

ACL, PCL, MCL, and Meniscus Exercise Rehabilitation Techniques for the Sports Knee Specialist

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  • Dagsetning:
    25. október 2019 - 26. október 2019
  • Staðsetning: Húsnæði Ísí, Engjavegi 6
  • Tími:
    08:30 - 17:00
  • Bókunartímabil:
    24. júní 2019 - 13. september 2019
  • Almennt verð:
    66.000 kr.
  • Fagdeild verð:
    61.000 kr.

ATH verð fyrir aðila að fagdeild FS er 61.000.- frá og með 30.8.2019

Become a specialist in the most important stages of rehabilitation for agility sport athletes with knee soft tissue injury or surgery 

This Sports Knee Specialists Course Includes:

• Psychosocial Elements of the Biopsychosocial Model in Early-Stage Knee Rehabilitation
• New Concepts in Open Kinetic Chain and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise
• Advances in Understanding Knee Functional Joint Stability
• Prehabilitation and the Five Stages of Sports-Specific Knee Rehabilitation
• Critical Considerations in Knee Functional Rehabilitation
• Neurological Concepts in Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercise
• Disinhibitory Modalities and Quadriceps Facilitation
• Evolution of Knee Rehabilitation Techniques
• Biomechanics of Knee Ligaments and Human Grafts
• Myths and Misconceptions in Graft Healing and Remodeling
• Indications for and Timing of Knee Ligament Reconstruction Surgery
• The Hidden Problems with ‘Accelerated Rehabilitation'
• Clinical Quantification of Knee Joint Loading and Ongoing Load Management Strategies
• Squat Exercise Biomechanics and Critical Clinical Modifications
• Rehabilitation Strength Training Guidelines for ACL Injury and Surgery
• Rehabilitation Strength Training Guidelines for PCL Injury and Surgery
• Rehabilitation Strength Training Guidelines for MCL Injury and Surgery
• Rehabilitation Strength Training Guidelines for Traumatic Meniscus Injury and Surgery

Be more confident with your rehabilitation for agility-sport athletes with knee soft tissue injury or surgery 

Course Description:

The ‘early' and ‘middle' stages of knee rehabilitation are the most important stages of the knee rehabilitation process. This is because the early and middle stages of knee rehabilitation can be the most psychosocially challenging for patients and because they lay a solid foundation for the safe and effective implementation of late-stage rehabilitation techniques (e.g. plyometric training). Inappropriate or 'rushed' early- and middle-stage knee rehabilitation can negatively affect patients' quality-of-life and outcome-expectations, increase the risk of failed late-stage rehabilitation because of re-injury or new injury, as well as potentially increase the risk of early-onset knee osteoarthritis. The early and middle stages of knee rehabilitation are often seen by clinicians and patients as ‘boring' and ‘simplistic'.  However, the knowledge and clinical reasoning underlying the planning of psychosocial interventions and the implementation of the correct rehabilitation exercise for the correct injury at the correct point-in- time is far from simplistic. Different knee injuries and surgeries present very different psychosocial challenges for patients and also require the application of very different rehabilitation strength training techniques and exercises. Furthermore, the evidence-base that guides the scientific design and strategic clinical implementation of early- and middle-stage knee rehabilitation exercises has undergone major expansion and evolution in recent years. Modified versions of both open kinetic chain (OKC) and closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercises must now be used for safe, effective, and thorough rehabilitation of all types of knee injury. 

The purpose of this theory and highly practical course is to present you with advanced concepts in a biopsychosocial approach to exercise rehabilitation for ACL, PCL, MCL, and meniscus injury and surgery using OKC and CKC rehabilitation strength training. Emphasis is placed on presenting you with advanced knowledge and understanding of psychosocial factors, neurological mechanisms, exercise biomechanics, clinical outcomes research, and advanced clinical reasoning that form the foundation for you to become a specialist in exercise rehabilitation for agility-sport athletes with knee soft tissue injury or surgery. As you participate in this course, you'll experience enhanced learning and interactive education techniques known to help you rapidly acquire the knowledge and skills to confidently make decisions about your athletes' early- and middle-stage knee rehabilitation.

 Course Aim

To present you with the scientific information and rehabilitation strength training techniques necessary for you to have knowledge and understanding of advanced concepts in a biopsychosocial approach to early- and middle-stage knee rehabilitation, so that you're always able to design an athlete-centred, collaborative, clinically-reasoned, evidence-informed, and justifiable exercise rehabilitation programme for your agility-sport athletes with ACL, PCL, MCL, and meniscus injury and surgery.


Dr Nicholas C. Clark, PhD, MSc, MCSP, MMACP, CSCS. Knee Consultant Physiotherapist. Clinical Specialist Sports & Military Physiotherapist. Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. Integrated Physiotherapy and Conditioning

Website: www.integratedphysiotherapy.com
Email: enquiries@integratedphysiotherapy.com
Twitter: @DrNickCC

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